The Astrology of Lauren Spierer

Lauren disappeared on June 3rd, 2011, after a night out on the town drinking with her friends. The last known video evidence of Lauren being seen alive was recorded at 2:51 am where she is seen walking down an alley way. Friends stated that she left their home on foot at 4:30 am to go home. After that she was not ever seen again. I have chosen to use the 2:51 am chart because we know for a fact she was in that alley; it is on camera. We also know that she and her group of friends were quite intoxicated that night. They may or may not be suspects in her disappearance, so I felt that the 2:51 am chart was the most reliable chart to read.  This chart is a bit confusing because there are contradictions. This is not uncommon. The Ascendant seems to be positive in nature as though she was in an environment that was not negative. When you look at Mars though it looks very grim in my opinion.

The Ascendant rises at 20 degrees 58 minutes of Aries. The midpoints of the transit chart to the ascendant are positive in nature. An Aries Ascendant can indicate a restless environment with a lot of energy. It can be fanatical, brutal, quarrelsome, and rash. It is also very quick and impulsive. The Ascendant ruler, Mars, who represents Lauren, sits at 17 degrees 07 minutes of Taurus in the First house. Mars is impulsive and willful so that could show Lauren being impulsive and willful. It is all about physical activity or our ability to act on a matter. Midpoints however, indicated sudden mean deeds, sudden damage or death by weapons or other objects were brought up among many other things such as death through injuries or in near surroundings. Other midpoints suggested that her own conduct led to separations or estrangements and heedless or hasty actions.

Mars in Taurus is typically not good. It is the sign of detriment for Mars. To top it off Mars is Peregrine. This means wandering shiftlessly or aimlessly. It is not considered to be a positive thing to have a peregrine planet representing the significator. Placed in Taurus Mars does have some endurance though. This is an obstinate, vindictive, and impulsive placement. Mars in the first house brings a fighting spirit, the urge to do something, and a love of independence. It can indicate that she wanted to do what she wanted to do at that time. She might have been feeling impatient and quite zealous. There is a danger of head injuries with Mars in the 1st house and of arguments as well.

Jupiter sits in the first house at 29 degrees 44 minutes Aries. It rules the 9th house of universities, college, long distance travel, foreigners, and foreign places. Jupiter it’s self rules higher education and foreigners as well. It is said to bring good fortune and luck. Long journeys, middle aged men, or wealthy people are ruled by Jupiter as well. Jupiter in the sign of Aries and the first house would indicate she was with other people at this time (likely two people sense there are 2 other planets in the first house with Mars).  Each of the two planets (Jupiter and Venus) represent people who were around Lauren at that time.

Jupiter is with Alrischa (or Alrisha), “the knot”, in Pisces, is a double star in the cord uniting the Fishes. It brings confusion, changeable ideas and rash actions allegedly. It is the nature of Mercury and Mars. Another fixed star is also with Jupiter, Mirach. Mirach, “the girdle” of Andromeda’s gown is of the nature of Venus, it is associated with good fortune, beauty and lasting marriage. It corresponds to the nature of Venus giving cheerfulness, happiness and a love of company. Assistance in life can come from others, and friends are easily made. This star and Jupiter are in the constellation of Andromeda, the chained woman though and is sort of creepy to me.

Manilus states, “The man whose birth coincides with the rising of Andromeda from the sea will prove merciless, a dispenser of punishment, a warder of dungeon dire; he will stand arrogantly by while the mothers of wretched prisoners lie prostrate on his threshold, and the fathers wait all night to catch the last kisses of their sons and receive into their inmost being the dying breath. From the same constellation comes the figure of the executioner, ready to take money for a speedy death and the rites of a funeral pyre, for him execution means profit, and oft will he bare his axe; in short, he is a man who could have looked unmoved on Andromeda herself fettered to the rock. Governor of the imprisoned he occasionally becomes a fellow convict, chained to criminals to save them for execution.” [Manilius,Astronomica, 1st century A.D., Book 5, p.351.] With Jupiter it is said there can be help from women but danger of scandal, much travel, legal or ecclesiastical difficulties. [Robson, p.179.]  Makes you wonder if some one that was there is bad news.

Venus sits at 22 degrees and 21 minutes Taurus in the 1st house. Venus describes the other person she was with or around and it is in Paran with Baiten Kaitos a fixed star in the constellation of the sea monster or whale. Ebertin states, “The Whale really means “monster”. The Saturnine properties, such as inhibition, reserve, caution, solitude and simplicity are often forced onto such people, either by a mundane power or a higher power. Sometimes ideas are propagated which make life for the native trying or troublesome. To such people, fate is usually one of change. People influenced thus, tend to depression or dwell on the thought of death. Life often is full of humiliation, renunciation and obstacles. But the position of the complete chart is always important.,” [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.14.] It makes me wonder if the second person has been falsely accused of something.

So, my biggest question is, is Lauren dead or alive? For this we need to look at the 8th house which rises at 29 degrees and 48 minutes of Scorpio. The modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto rx at 6 degrees 48 minutes of Capricorn. Pluto is widely conjunct the Midheaven and considered to be in the 10th house. Midpoints speak of Discarded plans, and dwindling development regarding the case. Pluto is about powerful forces and powers that we cannot see, sex, and death (among many other things). With Pluto in 10th house Capricorn there is this untiring struggle to get recognition or power at play here. It can indicate she was in a dangerous position that led to her disapearance. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and the chart ruler as well. With this factor I don’t believe she is alive give the description of Mars in the reading is very blunt and straightforward, stating she likely was murdered that night.

The 4th house rules the outcome of the matter, and the grave. It rises at 11 degrees 38 minutes Cancer. The 4th house ruler, the Moon sits at 29 degrees 35 minutes Gemini conjunct the trans Neptunian planet Hades in the 3rd house. The Moon is peregrine which is negative in nature and also at a very unfortunate degree that represents endings. The moon and Hades can be described as an unfortunate combination, it would have been an unfortunate hour for some reason or another. Misfortune is said to be brought on by this pairing. Victimized people are described and low life persons, by the midpoints. They also said there were hours full of worry and anguish. That it was an hour of a fated ordeal. Corruption, and sorrow or loss through connection with authorities are mentioned. Then they said there is a connection with authorities on account of shameful actions, or crimes. Nefarious people were likely present in that alley that night sadly.  Menkalinan, a fixed star in the charioteer, is with the moon. It can bring about downfall. Betelgeuse is a fixed star in the constellation of Orion, the hunter and is also very close to the moon. It is associated with combative situations and injuries. It strikes me as so creepy that we have a hunter and charioteer mentioned here. Was someone just on the streets hunting for young girls that night? Was this person driving a vehicle? What happened to Lauren? It is just creepy to me.

The 12th house rules abductors, abduction, self-undoing, and murderers/murder and it rises at 3 degrees and 23 minutes Pisces. Neptune is conjunct the 12th house cusp at 55 minutes of Pisces tightly square Mercury at 0 59 Gemini in the second house. Mercury and Neptune combined always makes me think about lies and deception using language. This combo is rambling talk and can indicate illogical thinking, confusion, lies, and uncertainty regarding what happened that night.  Mercury is with Alcyone the brightest fixed star in a group of seven stars called M45 ‘The Pleiades’ or ‘Seven Sisters’, who were the daughters of Atlas. They were ‘sailing stars’ for the Greeks. Only six are visible to unaided eyes. Alcyone is representative of the Pleiades and If badly connected it can be associated with injuries to the head, face or eyes. The seven weeping sisters will always give us something to cry about. Jupiter, the traditional 12th house ruler, sits at 29 degrees 44 minutes Aries in the 1st house and has already been discussed.  It leads me to suspect that some one who is represented by Jupiter has not exactly been honest about what happened. If there was an abduction and murder we need to be looking at Jupiter.

The 10th house rises at 11 degrees 38 minutes Capricorn and rules government officials handling the case. Midpoints indicate that they need to go back to the primary cause of things and that they will persevere in the face of interruptions and obstacles eventually. A complete standstill of activity is mentioned along with something being discontinued or prohibited. Saturn rx at 10 degrees 31 minutes Libra in the 6th house rules the 10th house. Separations from female acquaintances and difficulties through them were brought up. Big disagreeableness is brought up as well by midpoints. Vindemiatrix, the widow maker, is with Saturn in the constellation of Virgo. Regarded by the ancients as unfortunate, this star is also associated with widowhood, deception and disgrace.

Dodectomoria of the ascendant is Sagittarius, ruling the 9th house of colleges, universities with the North node conjunct the cusp @ 23 Sag. This deserves attention in my opinion and kind of screams look at me, look at me. Midpoints suggest that she may have been present at an accident that resulted in an unexpected meeting or connection with a man. The node rules over our connections and the other people we meet so I looked closely as I could. Lesath a fixed star in Scorpio is the “sting” in the tail of the scorpion and points to accidents, danger, catastrophes or operations.  This is an extremely negative start. Ras Alhague, in Ophiuchus, is also with the Node in “the head of the serpent charmer”. It is associated with perversion and depravity.  Jupiter would rule the 9th house of the chart, so here we are again looking at Jupiter.

In closing this article I have questions, more of them than I do answers. What do you think happened to Lauren? I will post the chart in the comments if any readers would like to weigh in.